by David Loo | Nov 16, 2014 | AngularJS
To share data between controllers, first create a service that will hold your data.
var myApp = angular.module("app.demo", []);
myApp.factory("Data", function(){
return {
message: "Hello, World"
Then you inject the factory into each controller.
myApp.controller("AppController1", ["$scope", "Data", function($scope, Data) {
$ = Data;
myApp.controller("AppController2", ["$scope", "Data", function($scope, Data) {
$ = Data;
Then create a html page with the following markup. You can see below there is two controllers receiving the input value and each one is bind to the same factory called Data.
<html ng-app="app.demo">
<title>Learn AngularJS - Sharing Data Between Controllers</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="SharingDataDemo.js"></script>
<div ng-controller="AppController1">
<input type="text" ng-model="data.message" />
<div ng-controller="AppController2">
<input type="text" ng-model="data.message" />
This demo can be downloaded from my GitHub repository:
by David Loo | Nov 16, 2014 | AngularJS
In AngularJS data binding is very straight forward, you need to assign a model in the ng-model attribute and on your page you can read the model from anywhere on the page either by expressions or ng-model from another element.
<html ng-app="app.demo">
<title>Learn AngularJS - Data Binding</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="AppController.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="AppController">
<input type="text" ng-model="message" />
Above is an example of an input element taking a message as a model and then display the message result with double curly braces. The message model comes from the controller’s $scope eg. $scope.message.
.controller("AppController", ["$scope", function($scope){
$scope.message="default message";
You can download the original source code from GitHub:
by David Loo | Nov 9, 2014 | AngularJS
If you are using Kendo UI for your current project and require a string input box with auto complete, Kendo’s AutoComplete directive can do the trick. The AutoComplete can use a custom template to format the results. In this blog I am going to demonstrate how to use Kendo UI’s AutoComplete and let you know what to expect from it.
Below I have a HTML markup to define my controller and an input control that uses the kendo-auto-complete directive and k-options attribute for configuring the directive.
<div ng-controller="AppController">
<h4>Kendo UI AutoComplete</h4>
<p>Enter a country name that starts with the letter 'A'</p>
<input kendo-auto-complete ng-model="country" k-options="options" class="form-control"/>
<p>Your selection: {{ country }}</p>
Below in my JavaScript I am going to create an AngularJS module called “app” and include “kendo.directives” module. Then I create a controller called “AppController” and within this controller I am defining an array of country names and their codes. I have created a variable called $ and this is where we are going to store the selected value from the AutoComplete.
angular.module('app', ['kendo.directives'])
.controller('AppController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.countries = [
{name: 'Afghanistan', code: 'AF'},
{name: 'Åland Islands', code: 'AX'},
{name: 'Albania', code: 'AL'},
{name: 'Algeria', code: 'DZ'},
{name: 'American Samoa', code: 'AS'},
{name: 'AndorrA', code: 'AD'},
{name: 'Angola', code: 'AO'},
{name: 'Anguilla', code: 'AI'},
{name: 'Antarctica', code: 'AQ'},
{name: 'Antigua and Barbuda', code: 'AG'},
{name: 'Argentina', code: 'AR'},
{name: 'Armenia', code: 'AM'},
{name: 'Aruba', code: 'AW'},
{name: 'Australia', code: 'AU'},
{name: 'Austria', code: 'AT'},
{name: 'Azerbaijan', code: 'AZ'}
$ = '';
$scope.options = {
dataTextField: 'name',
dataSource: $scope.countries,
template: 'Code: #: code#<br>Name: #: name#',
Now the interesting part, I have created a $scope.options configuration object that will be used by Kendo’s AutoComplete directive. In the options I have dataTextField set as “name” which means that when we select a value from the AutoComplete the name property value from the array will be used to populate the model. Datasource will be the array of countries with their name and code, and template which is optional.
$scope.options = {
dataTextField: 'name',
dataSource: $scope.countries,
template: 'Code: #: code#<br>Name: #: name#',
The template I am using is a custom template for showing matching results. If you dont use it it will just show what ever you have specified in the dataTextField property. Here I have created a very simple template that will display the name and code of the country. Display property is a template you must wrap the property name with a hash character, and the first hash character must follow by a colon.
#: name#
Your can clone a copy of my source code from Git Hub: Learn AngularJS Repository
by David Loo | Aug 18, 2014 | AngularJS
AngularJS Service is very useful for providing repeated behavior, shared state, caches and factories. AngularJS Service are singleton for the scope of the application and each service is instantiated once and each part of your application gets access to the same instance of the service.
AngularJS Service is completely driven by the AngularJS dependency injection system and all internal services or your own create service can be injected into other service, directive or controller by specifying it as a dependency.
The $ prefix in AngularJS means they are internal services like $log, $http, $window and so on and it makes it easy to tell difference from your own custom service. (more…)
by David Loo | Jul 12, 2014 | AngularJS
What is a Controller
If you are familiar with the MVC architectural pattern then controllers are nothing new to you. But to for those that are not, the controller’s job is to receive input from the view and updates the model or get data from the model and and update the view. For further information about Model View Controllers click here.
By using the ng-controller directive on your html page (view) allows you to associate AngularJS controller to a view.
<div ng-controller="HelloWorldController">
by David Loo | Jul 8, 2014 | AngularJS
I came across a problem in Angular today with using ng-repeat directive.
For example if you have a list of numbers you want to iterate through and in that list you may have duplicate numbers, well ng-repeat will throw an error complaining about the duplicate value.
Here is an example code snippet of my html code with the problem:
<li ng-repeat="number in [1,2,3,4,1]">{{number}}</>
This is what I had to do to fix the problem:
<li ng-repeat="number in [1,2,3,4,1] track by $index">{{number}}</>
By telling ng-repeat to track each item by index each of the numbers in the list will be displayed.