Git: Cloning a Repository



Git is an awesome source control, there are two sites that allow you to host repositories like GitHub and BitBucket. If you are looking for a free private repository hosting I would recommend BitBucket. 

Anyways let’s get started with cloning a repository on to your computer. First you will need some tools, if you are a windows user I would recommend you to get msysgit, and for Linux and Mac you can follow the download instruction from

I am going to use an existing public repository from GitHub called MonoGame, it’s a cross platform XNA development library for Mono. So open your terminal and enter the following commands:

$mkdir projects
$cd projects
$git clone

After the cloning has finish perform a ls -al command in your projects folder and you will see a MonoGame folder created with copies of the source code. Now you have cloned your first Git repository!
