AngularJS: Get Started

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is web development framework maintained by Google and a large community of developers. It uses MVC (Model View Controller) capabilities to make both development and testing easier. It takes away all of the UI manipulation away while you can concentrate on working on the business logics.

Your First AngularJS

To demonstrate the basic AngularJS usage by making a simple page which allow the user to enter a name and the page will display a message follow by a message “Hello David”.

To get started we need to download the library from the web site or we can reference the library directly from Google’s CDN (Content Delivery Network) server. I am going to be referencing the CDN for all my demonstrations. (more…)

Windows 8 Developer’s Camp 2012 – Perth, Western Australia

Ok Windows 8 Developer’s Camp 2012 is coming soon to Perth Western Australia, it will be held at University of Western Australia. This event is free and it’s a full day event filled with lessons on  developing metro style applications for Windows 8. The event will be held  on the 16th June 2012 from 9:00am to 5:30pm Saturday. 

If any developer’s from Perth, is reading this blog and would like to go and meet up at the event send me a message on twitter @david_loo.

For further details of the event and registration in your local area go to the link below:

Windows 8 Developer’s Camp Registration
